

Happy summer break to all!! See you in September at the ashram premises, for a new balavihar year!

Check the thumbnail on the left for the video and stills from the play.

Grade 6 teachers.

Draupadi Swayamvara

October 20, 2013
Section: 1

Draupadi Swayamvara 

Hari Om!

Beginning prayers
  • Breathing exercise, 3 times ॐ (OM) chanting,  Sahanaavavatu,  Meditation
  • Daily Prayers - Karagre Vasathe,  Saraswathi Namastubhyam,  Brahmarpanam,  Shubham Karoti,  Karacharana Kritam
  • Guru Stotram (Page 9 of My Prayers Book)  
  • Gauri Nandana Gajaanana
  • Dashavatara Stotram(Page 117 of My Prayers Book - Shlokas 1-8)   
Gitaa chanting
  • Bhagavad Gita 14th Chapter 1 - 8  shlokas
Story time
  • Heroines of Mahabharata
  • Discussion 
Ending prayers and pledge
  •  Aarati and pledge 
  • Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Purnamadah Purnamidam
Synopsis of the story:

Dhrishtadyumna wanted his daughter Draupadi to chose a husband. So she wanted to test to see who can shoot a fish which was on top of a pole. The men only had 5 arrows and a bow which they could use.The only people who could marry her were the princes and people in the high class. Many men tried to shoot but, first of all they couldn’t hold the bow. When Karna tried he could lift the bow but he wasn’t allowed to participate because he was in the lower class. When it was Arjuna’s turn he shot the fish and got Draupadi, and the Pandavas had to share her, upon Kunti's word.

Arjuna wanted to marry Subhadra, Krishna’s sister but Arjuna was scared because she was Krishna's sister. So he asked Krishna and Krishna gave him the permission. Arjuna took Subhadra away racing the chariot when she came out of the temple. Balarama was angry so he told Krishna to attack Arjuna, but Krishna said, he was the one who agreed to give Subhadra to Arjuna. Balarama calmed down and the brothers arranged for their marriage.

My Thoughts:

It's interesting to learn the customs that the society had in the past, in terms of choosing a boy or girl to get married. 

It seems in those days the Bride chose the Groom through various methods and competition. At at some point in time, we learnt that Kanya Shulkam came into existence. In this custom bride groom's parents used to pay money to the bride parents, and got her married to their son. Later on, it changed to DOWRY system due to more percentage of girls than boys, which in turn became a social evil.

Fortunately nowadays because of education among youth they are given freedom to choose their partners and getting married under the guidance of elders.
Hari Om,
Gowri B


Oct 20th Class

Beginning prayers
Gitaa chanting
  • bhagavadgItaa 14th adhyaaya 1 - 9 shlokas
Story time
  • shishupaalavadha
  • Game of dice
  • paaNDava-s go to forest
    Ending prayers and pledge
    • sarve bhavantu sukhinaH, pUrNamadaH pUrNamidam
    • aarati and pledge - at auditorium
    Rashmi aunty and Sitaram uncle's class:

    We did our regular prayers and gItaa chanting.  We learnt verse 9 too.  Today, we also chanted the gItaa verses till 8, without help!  That was a big progress we were all happy about!
    During the story, we learnt that, before beginning the raajsuya yagna, yudhiShThira was supposed to do agra-pooja.  As he was wondering who is worthy of it, everyone suggested Krishna.  But one person didn’t agree. shishupaala said, “How dare you do the puja to Krishna it should be done to me. Anyway, Krishna used to be a cowherd, he’s a thief.” He kept on insulting Krishna.  Krishna was actually related to shishupaala.  His mother had asked for a boon for her son shishupaala, that he will forgive 100 grave mistakes but after that, he will kill him.  Eventually when shishupaala passed the 100 mark of grave mistakes, Krishna cut off his head. Being God, Krishna could just change people's mind, almost like magic.  But he won't.  He lets people decide for themselves!
    Later, Duryodhana is jealous of the prosperity of the paandava-s. So, Duryodana’s Mama shakuni, suggested to call them for a game of dice. yudhiShThira bet his whole Kingdom, and he lost. Then he bet himself and everyone else with him and he lost that one too. So, everyone became a slave to Duryodhana.  He still never stopped.  Duryodhana’s mama had dice where whatever number he said, it rolled that number. Kauravas kept winning.  Then, yudhiShThira bet his wife, and he lost again. Then Duryodhana got arrogant and sent his brother to drag the princess, yudhiShThira's  wife draupadI, down from the castle by her hair because she wasn’t there at that time. Nobody was allowed to help her because everyone was now a slave. Then she started to pray to Lord Krishna. Later, Duryodhana’s brother dushshaasana tried to pull off her sari. But, the sari went on forever and ever. Then, dhritaraaShtra said he will grant 2 wishes to draupadi.  With that, she made herself and her husbands free from slavery. Bheema promised he would kill dushshaasana with bare hands and will break the thigh of duryodhana in the battle. While they were leaving, duryodhana asked yudhiShThira to play one last game of dice. They made a bet that whoever losses will have to live in the forest for 12 years and 1 year incognito (nobody should be able to recognize them). Obviously yudhiShThira lost, because of the manipulated dice and they all had to go to the forest. Then, yudhiShThira's wife prayed to Krishna again. Krishna gave akshyapaatram. That vessel would give as much food as they desired, until the minute draupadi eats.  After that, there is no more food for the day!  That way, they could live in the forest without much hassles.
    We then left for the auditorium for aarti and pledge.

    Written by Suraj Mukkamala

    Pandavas Escape

    Section:1         Hari Om!

    Beginning prayers
    • Breathing exercise, 3 times ॐ (OM) chanting,  Sahanaavavatu,  Meditation
    • Daily Prayers - Karagre Vasathe,  Saraswathi Namastubhyam,  Brahmarpanam,  Shubham Karoti,  Karacharana Kritam
    • Guru Stotram (Page 9 of My Prayers Book)  

    • Gauri Nandana Gajaanana
    • Dashavatara Stotram(Page 117 of My Prayers Book - Shlokas 1-6)   

    Gitaa chanting
    • Bhagavad Gita 14th Chapter 1 - 6 shlokas

    • Vijaydashami special
    • Dart Board
    Ending prayers and pledge
    • Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Purnamadah Purnamidam
    •  Aarati and pledge 


    Vijayadashami Special:  Saraswati Vandanam

    We were handed out the sheets of Geeta verses of chapter 14, and sheet protectors after we chanted Saraswati Namasthubyam. We offered our pranaams to goddess Saraswati on the occasion of today’s festival Vijayadashami by doing a little ceremony.  We put a wet kumkum mark on the sheet as a mark of respect.  We then slid them into the sheet protectors and learned to chant.

    We started the class of with daily prayers, Ganesha bhajan, Guru stotram, and Dasavatara stotram. Next we did geeta chanting verses 1-6.

    Mahabharata: Karna

    After reviewing the stories from the previous classes, we did a reenactment of the test Drona gave to Pandavas and Kauravas. A detailed description is posted at the very end of this blog.

    Synopsis of Chapter 5:

    The Pandavas and Kauravas had all finished their’ training under Dronacharaya. On a special day, all the princes gave a demo of their’ skills to the royals and the citizens of Hastinapura. Arjuna, of course, preformed several tricks and skills of archery that convinced everyone that he was the best of the best. Like always, Duryodhana was full of jealousy and ego.

    Just before the demonstration was over, a well-built young man entered the arena and challenged Arjuna.  It was Karna, Kunti’s first son. In his handsomely deep voice he proclaimed “I will do all of what you did and much more!”  Karna did all the tricks Arjuna did and more. Duryodhana was extremely pleased. He said, “Welcome, whoever you are! You have me and the entire kingdom of Kauravas at your disposal!” Karna requested only two things in return: One, his love. And two, a single fight with Arjuna. Just as they were about to begin, Kripacharya came on the stage and said, “Arjuna, a prince of the royal family, cannot fight with an unknown warrior.” Upon hearing these words, Karna remained silent. Duryodhana immediately stood up and proclaimed, “If Arjuna will only fight with an equal, I here by make Karna King of Anga!” He then preformed the needed rites and made him King of Anga.

    Karna had earlier approached Drona but Drona refused to accept Karna as a disciple. So Karna pretended to be a brahmin and went and learned from Sage Parasurama. One day when the sage was sleeping with his head on Karna, a bee stung Karna and he started bleeding but he bore it bravely because his Guru was sleeping. But when Parasurama found out that Karna had lied to him, he cursed him that his memory would fail when his end neared.

    After a very long time, people of Hastinapura thought that Yudhisthira should be made king. Although Dhritarashtra and Bhishma were willing to make Yudhisthira the king, Duryodhana was too jealous to let that happen. Duryodhana thought that if Yudhisthira is crowned, Kauravas would be like beggars. Duryodhana had a plan to send the Pandavas to a neighboring village for some time.

    Dhritarashtra summoned the Pandavas and said, “A great festival in honor of Lord Shiva is being held at Varanavata. Duryodhana had built a palace of highly flammable material for the Pandavas to live in. The plan was to burn the palace in turn burning the Pandavas alive. However, when Yudhisthira was ready to leave, Vidura, the chief advisor, warned him indirectly by saying, “Only the one who guesses the plot of clever enemy can escape danger. The fire that destroys a forest cannot touch a rat that digs under the earth.

    The Pandavas were secretly informed of Duryodhana plot. One night, Bhīma set fire to the palace and the Pandavas along with Kunti escaped through a tunnel that was already pre-made. The palace was destroyed. People were shocked and all believed that the Pandavas had died. Duryodhana also pretended that he was the saddest of them all, but deep down, he was the happiest man on the earth because the Pandavas were supposedly dead.

    The Pandavas travelled for several days stopping in towns only for food or water. They reached the city of Ekachakra and stayed in a Brahman’s house disguised as Brahmins so that no one would recognize them. Every day they went out and begged for food. The food was divided into two equal parts: one for Bhīma and Kunti with the rest of the Pandavas would have equally divided the remaining half among themselves.

    One day, when the brothers went out to beg for food, Bhīma stayed back with his mother. Suddenly, they heard a cry from the house of the landlord. Kunti went inside and saw that the Brahman, his wife, and two small children were all clinging together, crying. They told her that a demon named Bakasura, who lived in the forest, had once attacked the city, robbing and killing people. To stop him from doing this again, people made an agreement with the demon: Every day, a villager would drive a cart of food to his cave. The demon would eat the driver and the food. “Today is our turn to take the cart,” cried the Brahman. Kunti told them that one of her sons {it was Bhīma but she didn’t say his name for fear that their identity would be revealed} would take the cart instead and kill the demon.

    On reaching the cave where the demon lived, Bhīma stopped the cart and started eating the food. Bakasura was raging that a human was eating his food. Roaring with anger, Bakasura started punching Bhīma. When he finished his food, Bhīma started fighting with the demon. Bakasura was no match for Bhīma who killed him in only a few punches.

    Bhīma dragged the dead demon body to the gates of the city. The next day, the citizens of Ekachakra were surprised to see the demon dead. They had a large celebration.

    My Thoughts:
    I can’t believe that Karna would side with the Kauravas when his half-brothers were the Pandavas. Well, half siblings don’t always get along. Not that I have one; you’ll know what I mean if you read the Percy Jackson Series.

    Back to Mahabharata. I think that Drona should’ve remembered Karna when he came to the demonstration. I also think Karna sided with Kauravas to get revenge on  Drona.


    As a part of our last week's lesson, we did a reenactment of the test Drona gave to Pandavas and Kauravas. Instead of bow and arrow and a clay bird, we used a dartboard and darts.  Each student was a “Kaurava” and would become “Arjuna” if they shot the dart into the center of the board.  You only had three chances, though. And truth to be told, though few got very close, no one got the center dot exactly! We had so much fun enacting this.

    Hari Om,
    Pranav. A

    Oct 13th Class

    Beginning prayers
    Gitaa chanting
    • bhagavadgItaa 14th adhyaaya 1 - 8 shlokas
      Story time
      • Heroine of mahaabhaarata
      • raajasUya yagna
      Ending prayers and pledge
      • sarve bhavantu sukhinaH, pUrNamadaH pUrNamidam
      • aarati and pledge 
      Rashmi aunty and Sitaram uncle's class:

      Happy dashara!!!
      Today in balvihar we  did many things.
      First we did geeta chanting shlokas 8.  Next we went on to the story. We pick up where Bakasura is dead.  Now Drupada's daughter Draupadi is going to get married and she is having a swayamwara (this is and event when the princess chooses who she wants to marry. In this case through a series of challenges) The challenge was to shoot a fast rotating  fish through holes.
      Karna was going to shoot and  Draupadi  knew he'd be able to do it. She didn't want to marry him and she said that she didn't marry a shUdra.  Then Arjuna  shot the arrow and married her. Krishna saw all of this and immediately recognized them. Remember they were in hiding!
      Then the five boys went to their mother, Kunti that they won a gift.  Without seeing, she told them to share it equally!  Since they had to follow their mothers words even though it was a mistake which resulted in Draupadi marrying five men!!!
      As a result of the wedding people knew that the paaNdava-s weren't dead from the fire. Everybody  was happy except for Dhuryodhana and Karna.  Dhritaraashtra gave them half the kingdom.  But it was a waste land called khaaNDavaprastha.
      Then the paandavas created a huge and rich kingdom.
      At a festival Arjuna saw a beautiful lady named Subhadra. Krishna helps him "kidnap" her. Balarama is upset and wants to have war. Thankfully Krishna convinces him not to. So they get married and have a powerful child  named abhimanyu.
      The pandavas were then built  a beautiful palace by Maya because he was protected by Arjuna and Krishna.
      While living here sage naarada visited them. He asked them to perform a yagna called rajasuuya yagna. Narada explains another king did the yagna and got a permanent place in Indira's palace.
      Krishna says that before they have the  yagna they have to destroy a man named jaraasandha. You see, if you do the yagna, you need to have 100 kings in your side. He had captured 86 and put them in jail so if he was defeated they would need only 14 more.
      Jaraasandha was born in two parts and put together by a demoness named jaraa.  Jaraasandha was invited to a fight and decided to fight Bhima since they were equals in wrestling. bhima kept splitting his opponent in two.  But he kept coming back together then Krishna gave him the hint to throw the 2 pieces of the body in different directions.  Hence jaraasandha was killed.
      Now there were 86 kings on their side. Soon they got 100 kings on their side and they completed the yagna.  We stopped at this and will continue to see the yagna in the next class.

      Written by Avani Shukla

      Drona Enters - Oct 6th Class

      Section:1         Hari Om!

      Beginning prayers
      • Breathing exercise, 3 times ॐ chanting,  Sahanaavavatu,  Meditation
      • Daily Prayers - Karagre Vasathe,  Saraswathi Namastubhyam,  Brahmarpanam,  Shubham Karoti,  Karacharana Kritam
      • Guru Stotram (Page 9 of My Prayers Book)  
      • Ganesha Sharanam and Devi bhajans
      • Dashavatara Stotram(Page 117 of My Prayers Book - Shlokas 1-6)   
      Gitaa chanting
      • bhagavadgItaa 14th adhyaaya 1 - 4 shlokas
      • Significance of Navaratri
      Ending prayers and pledge
      • sarve bhavantu sukhinaH, pUrNamadaH pUrNamidam
      • aarati and pledge 

      In class, we learned about a lot of fun topics. One thing we talked about was the festival we are celebrating now, Navratri. Navratri means 9 nights and it is the festival in honor of goddess Durga. The significance of navratri is defeating good over evil. We looked at a picture of Durga, and the symbolism of her is the following:

      • Tiger: Ego
      • Killing of Mahishasura: Destruction of laziness
      • Garland of Skeletons: Destruction of bad qualities
      • Weapons: Destruction of negative tendencies
      We started the class of with daily prayers, ganesha sharanam, guru stotram, and dasavatara stotram. We also did a devi bhajan to celebrate navratri. Next we did geeta chanting verses 1-4. We learnt how to read the English version of the Bhagavat Gita shlokas with the special marks on top/bottom of the letters.

      Mahabharata Chapter 4: Drona Enters

      In this chapter of the Mahabharata, we are meeting new characters! One new character we have is Kripacharya, who is the first teacher of the Kauravas and Pandavas. Kripacharya taught them archery and martial arts. Then, Bhishma starts looking for a new teacher to teach advanced lessons.

      Then, we moved on learning new characters, Drona, son of Sage Bharadwaja and Drupada, son of King of Panchala. Both Drona and drupada were very good friends, as they studied and played together. Later, Drupada became a king meanwhile, Drona married Kripacharya’s sister and soon, a son was born, Ashwatthama. Since Drona was very poor and could not take care of Ashwatthama, he went to his old friend, Drupada for help. But, Drupada wasn’t the same person he was when he was a child. When Drona entered and requested him to help, he said, “ Great kings can never be friends with the poor and ignorant.” That made Drona furious and he left the palace and moved in with his brother-in-law, Kripacharya, in Hastinapura.

      One day, the Kauravas and Pandavas were playing with a ball. When they were playing, the ball fell into the well. They tried to get it out but they couldn’t. Drona saw this and went up to them. He told them that if they gave him dinner, he shall bring the ball up with blades of grass. Drona also dropped his ring in there and said he could take that out, too. He got the ball out and he got the ring out with an arrow.

      The Kauravas and Pandavas told Bhishma of what Drona did and they requested Drona to be their guru. Drona agreed but said, “ I shall be your Guru if you promise me in advance that you will accomplish it.” The only person that agreed was Arjuna so, Drona promised to teach him all the superior skills. Drona told Arjuna, “ I give you my word that there shall be no one in the world that shall be equal to you in archery.”
      One day, the prince of the Nishadas ( forest dwellers), Ekalavya was practicing archery in the forest and saw a stray dog. He quickly shot 7 arrows into the dog’s mouth. The Kauravas and Pandavas were amazed to see the dog and wondered who this mighty archer was.

      They found him and Ekalavya said, “ I am Ekalavya, a student of Dronacharya. “ Arjuna was curious, he thought he was the best archer of the world, then why was Drona teaching this Ekalavya?  He went to Drona and complained immediately, but Drona didn’t understand who Ekalavya was. So Drona himself went there and talked to Ekalavya. Ekalavya told Drona that he went to Drona’s place to ask if he could teach Ekalavya. But Drona said no, since he only taught Kshatriyas. So Ekalavya made an image of Drona and got all his talent from there. So, Drona told Ekalavya, “ Since you are my student, you give me gurudakshina, give me your right thumb.” With no hesitation Ekalavya did. Now Arjuna would be the best archer of the world.

      At the end of the course, Drona gave the boys a test. Whoever could shoot the head of a fake bird when Drona ordered finished well. One by one, Drona asked the boys to tell him what they saw. Most said I see they sky, clouds, trees, etc. Then they tried to shoot the bird. Once it was Arjuna’s turn, he said he saw the bird’s head and shot it right on the spot. Drona was delighted.

      One day Drona was bathing in the Ganges. A fierce crocodile seized him. He could have freed himself , but he made a test. He cried, Help, Help! Only Arjuna came to save him and Drona was so pleased he gave Arjuna “Brahmastra”, a weapon that is the most powerful, but cannot be used on other humans.

      Drona wanted to take revenge on Drupada so he ordered Arjuna to keep him as a prisoner. Drona told Drupada “ O Drupada, you told me that a king alone could be a friend to a king. Now, I have conquered your kingdom and have become king. to make you my equal, I am giving you half my kingdom.” Drupada went away as a sad and angry man.

      My Thoughts:

      The way Drupada treated Drona was something I hadn’t expected because both were good friends and I thought Drupada would be generous enough to give as little as some food to Drona.

      After the incident at the well, I knew Drona would teach the Kauravas and Pandavas well.  The deal that Drona made with Arjuna was a huge risk, because, what if Drona thought someone else was better than Arjuna? I would have said that I will teach you with the best of my efforts.

      Just as the Kauravas and Pandavas did, I was amazed to see the skill in Ekalavya, at the same time surprised he was the student of Dronacharya. The guru dakshina that  Ekalavya gave was immense, and I didn’t think he would give in to it because hunting was his life.  But he did!

      It was a good idea of Drona to give a test. If I was in Arjuna’s place, I would have never thought to say, “ I see only the head of the bird.” This goes to show that you should focus on your goals. Arjuna was so brave to save Drona from the crocodile.

       I also felt revenge that Drona gave for Drupada’s insult was a very clever scheme.

      At the end of class, we did a Ganesha rangoli design that Jayashree aunty taught us and ended with Aarti and Pledge.

      Hari Om,
      Inika V.

      Oct 6th Class

      Beginning prayers
      Gitaa chanting
      • bhagavadgItaa 14th adhyaaya 1 - 6 shlokas
      Story time
      • droNa enters (contd.)
      • karNa
      Ending prayers and pledge
      • sarve bhavantu sukhinaH, pUrNamadaH pUrNamidam
      • aarati and pledge 
      Rashmi aunty and Sitaram uncle's class:
      In the beginning of class we reviewed our daily prayers and learned the 6th paragraph of the gita.

      The Pandavas and the Kauravas were both learning from Kripaachaarya who was the family guru. When they started getting really good at it, Bhishma started looking for another teacher so they could learn more. One day the Pandavas and the Kauravas were playing with the ball. The ball fell into a well and they tried to get it out, but they couldn't. Drona the son of Sage Bharadwaja, went over to help them. He took a blade of grass and shot it precisely and so fast that it clung to the ball as an arrow. He then shot another at the tip of the first blade of grass. He continued this until he made a long chain and brought out the ball. He did the same with his ring that he also threw into the well. The children were impressed and told this to Bhisma. Bhisma asked Drona to be the children's teacher and Drona agreed as long as they gave gurudakshina of his choice.

      One day, Drona placed a toy parrot on a tree and asked each prince to take his bow and shoot at the bird's eye. But before he gave the command to shoot he asked princes what they saw. Each prince said they saw the bird the tree and the sky. Drona was not satisfied and did not let them shoot. Then he asked Arjuna. He said that he can see only the eye of the bird. Drona gave the command to shoot and the next moment the bird was on the ground. Drona was amazed and gave Arjuna a promise saying that he will make him the best archer in the world.

      One day, the Kauravas and the Pandavas went on a hunting trip with servants and a dog. The dog strayed off and then after awhile came back with it mouth closed with arrows. The arrows were so neatly shot that it didn't even hurt the dog. They searched for the unknown archer and on meeting him asked who his teacher was. He said he was Ekalavya and he was a student of Drona. Arjuna was puzzled. He went to Drona and complained that Drona had promised that Arjuna would be the best archer in the world. Drona did not understand so Arjuna took him to Ekalavya. There they learned that Ekalavya got knowledge from Drona's idol. Ekalavya had to give gurudakshina. So, Drona asked for his right thumb. And Ekalavya gladly did that.

      Drona had a childhood friend named Drupada. They each made a promise that whatever was each other had was both of theirs. But when Drona was in need Drupada turned him away. He wanted to get revenge. He sent Arjuna and Arjuna got Drupada to Drona. Because Drona won this war, the kingdom was his. But, he gave back half the kingdom back to Drupada because of the childhood promise he made.

      Now, Karna was growing up far away, but wanted to learn from Parashurama who was Drona's teacher. Parashurama only taught brahmins. Karna told a lie and said that he was a brahmin. He then learned all his studies. One day, after a long walk in the woods Parashurama was tired and slept on Karna's lap then a  certain type of bee started to eat his thigh. He stayed put. But when Prashurama saw this he knew that Karna was not a Brahmin. Parashurama cursed Karna saying that he will forget his knowledge the time he needs it most in his life.

      By that time the Pandavas and the Kauravas had finished their studies and were performing in an arena. Arjuna did very well. But, Karna challenged him at the end. he could do all the tricks Arjuna did plus a few more. Since he wasn't a king, he couldn't challenge Arjuna. so Duryodhana made him king of Anga. Duryodhana and Karna become the best of friends. Karna wanted nothing but to have a one on one battle with Arjuna. Kunti recognized him as her son and fainted.

      Duryodhana started acting nice but had plans to kill the Pandavas. He explained that there was a festival at Varnavrata and there is a palace waiting for them already there. Vidura, the minister found out that Duryodhana had plans to put the palace on fire since it was made entirely of lac. He informed the Pandavas and the night before they dug a tunnel out of the palace. The next day Bhima put fire to the palace himself and all of them ventured out safely through the tunnel and let Duryodanah enjoy his happiness for some time.

      The Pandavas had been traveling for a long time and found a village called Ekachakra and were staying in a Brahmana's house. They all begged for food. One day, they heard a cry in the land lord's house and foud out that there was a demon named Bakasura and that the villagers had made an arrangement with Bakasura that he would receive a wagon load of food and would be allowed to eat the driver himself. Now it was their turn. Kunti said that one of her sons would go and kill this demon. She sent Bhima with the wagon of food. After arriving, while waiting for the demon, Bhima ate all the food in the wagon. The demon was so angry. But the battle against the demon was nothing for Bhima. He had the strength of 8000 elephants. He then brought the body of the demon to the village for all to see.

      We will find out more in the next class.

      Written by Renuka Ravinder

      Stepping into the Mahabharata - September 22nd class

      Section:1         Hari Om!

      Beginning prayers
      • Breathing exercise, 3 times ॐ chanting,  Sahanaavavatu,  Meditation
      • Daily Prayers - Karagre Vasathe,  Saraswathi Namastubhyam,  Brahmarpanam,  Shubham Karoti,  Karacharana Kritamva
      • Guru Stotram (Page 9 of My Prayers Book)  
      • Gauri Nandana Gajanana
      • Dashavatara Stotram(Page 117 of My Prayers Book - Shlokas 1-2)   
      Gitaa chanting
      • bhagavadgItaa 14th adhyaaya 1 - 2 shlokas
      • Why it is important to study the Gita?  
      • Where can we apply the values of Mahabharata in our daily lives ?
      • Name tags
      Ending prayers and pledge
      • sarve bhavantu sukhinaH, pUrNamadaH pUrNamidam
      • aarati and pledge 

      We started the class with the breathing exercise, Chanting OM three times, and then the Shanti mantra to clear our minds and to fill with peace.

      We sang the following daily prayers to help us with our lives:
       Kaaragre vasate Lakshmi- Early in the morning after we get up from bed to start our day.

      Saraswati Namastubyam- Before our studies to invoke Saraswatiji.

      Brahmarpanam- Before we begin eating.

      Shubham Karoti-before we turn on the evening lights, inviting Lakshmi in the form of health, happiness, good thoughts, and spirituality.

      Karacharana Kritamva- Before we go to bed we pray to the lord to forgive us for all the bad actions, we did during the day.  

      We moved on to sing Ganesh bhajan followed by Gurusthotram, and 2 verses of Dasavatara Strotram. 

      We did the meditation to silence our minds.

      We talked about the importance of learning of Bhagavad geeta with a story implying the dirty container getting cleaned by chanting.

      Then we talked about chapter 14 of Geeta, Guna Traiya Vibhaga Yoga (The Yoga of Gunas), emphasizing.....SatvikRajasic and Tamasic percentage of Gunas or attributes in all of us.

      We learned to chant 1 and 2 verses of chapter 14 of Bhagavad Geeta, after a short break of attendance and an announcement. 


      We discussed why it is important to study the Gita even if we may not understand or retain everything we learnt now. We heard the story of a young boy whose grandfather asks him to fill a coal basket with water from the river - it turns out that the basket has holes and every time the boy runs back all the water flows out. Moral is even though no water is retained after some time the really dirty basket is now shiny clean. Similarly Bhagavad Gita helps to purify our mind. We then learnt the first two shlokas of the Chapter 14.

      Mahabharata story: Bhishma, the great!

      Veda Vyasa was a noble and great sage who wanted the world to know about the wonderful Mahabharata. But he could not think of anybody to write it so he prayed to Lord Brahma, and asked how will I write the great epic of Mahabharata by myself, it is so intense and hard to write this great story of family and war. Lord Brahma said that you should ask none other than the great Ganesh to write this story. Veda Vyasa was pleased with Lord Brahma's answer and then set of to find the great Ganesha. Ganesha said yes on one condition, the story should be non stop explained and should have no pauses other wise he will leave. Veda Vyasa agreed to this on another condition that Ganesha understood every word that Veda Vyasa said before writing it down.  Ganesha agreed and that was how the Epic Of the Mahabharata got started. 

       On finishing it, Vyasa taught it to his son Sukha who taught it to Gandharvas, Rakshasas and Yakshas.

      Shantanu was the king of a kingdom called Hastinapura. He was very well known for his bravery and wisdom.One day as the king was passing and there he saw the fabulous Ganga but he did not know it was her. He instantly fell in love with her. Immediately asked the maiden if she would marry him. She said yes on one condition and that condition was that he must never ask who she is what she is doing and why she is doing it. He said yes because he was so awestruck with her beauty.

      They lived very happy together for several years. Then Ganga had some children. The children were all thrown in to the river by Ganga herself one at a time. Shantanu just had to watch in despair. When it came to throw the 8th child in to the river Shantanu just could not bear it any more.he asked who she was, and why she was doing this. Ganga told the Vasus story, she did that only to releive them. She had to tell him. that she was actually Ganga and that she could no longer stay with him because he broke his promise. King Shantanu was so sad to know he had just caused his wife to leave. Ganga told Shantanu that the last Vasu, Dyu is their eighth son, and he will stay on earth per the curse.   She will teach him how to do archery, how to be brave, and train to be well versed and learned man. Then he will come to live with him.   King Shantanu was so sad and left to go to the palace without a wife or a son. 

      One day while the king was hunting he saw a boy who was about the age of 16 shooting arrows into the river Ganga and building a dam across it. Shantanu was very well impressed with the actions of this little boy. Then Ganga appeared before his eyes and said that this boy was his son. Shantanu was very pleased with how Ganga had raised the boy. Shantanu took the boy back to the palace to raise. The boy was none other than the great Bhishma. 

      One day Shantanu went to the river banks and saw a beautiful woman who gave this great fragrance. The king wanted to marry the beautiful lady, Satyavati. She said he would have to ask her father the fisherman permission. So King Shantanu went to go ask the fisherman if he could marry his daughter. The fisherman said yes on one condition, that Satyavati's son would have to become the king. Shantanu could not agree to this condition because Bhishma was already heir to the throne. Hence Shantanu said that he could not fulfill that wish and he left the fisherman’s place. Later when the king went back to his palace he was very sad and then Bhishma found out about what was happening. He confronted the fisherman and told him that he was willing to not get married for the King. That is when Heavens showered flowers all over the great Bhishma, who had taken a terrible vow.
      Shantanu had blessed him with the boon that death comes to him only when he wants it.  

      At the end of the class the parents came in for a short meeting and were briefed about all the main events in the year. All parents were handed out a welcome letter too. 

      My thoughts:

      I think that the deal Veda Vyasa made with Ganesha was a reasonable deal.   I also think that Ganesha would leave before the story was done because Veda Vyasa had to take a break, but he  was a great sage and he should not have been underestimated by Ganesha himself.

      Whenever I think that about Kunti's story, I feel that she should not have "tested" out the blessing that she got from the great sage.  I think that she was being very childish, questioning a great sages powers.  It was also very thin minded for her to float Karna along the river and hope the baby would be safe. If I was in her steps,  I would have at least found a good care taker for my boy, or I would have secretly raised him with out letting anybody know.

      The last thing I think that would have done different was, if I was King Shantanu I would not have let  my son just take this vow that he took for me,  and I would have refused it because I think that I have to always make sure to put my children in front of me.

      Hari Om,
      Varsha. P