Beginning prayers
- 3 times ॐ chanting, Meditation
- Daily Prayers (click here for script)
- bhagavadgItaa 14th adhyaaya 1 - 26 shlokas
- Revision quiz from the earlier parts of mahabhaarata
- Afterthoughts of play presentation
- sarve bhavantu sukhinaH, pUrNamadaH pUrNamidam
- aarati and pledge - in auditorium
Rashmi aunty and Sitaram uncle's class:
Having a regular class after a long time. We were busy for the past few weeks with preparations for the play last week. Now that it is behind us, we revised our mahabhaarata knowledge so that we can get back into learning further. The quiz was fun. It was very impressive that everyone remembered all the little details well!
After that, all children put down their thoughts regarding their experiences in the past few weeks. Putting the play together was a learning and growing experience for all. Below are few of their thoughts.
Stuthi Kuroodi says -
Wow! This sure was insightful! Looks like everyone had fun :).
Having a regular class after a long time. We were busy for the past few weeks with preparations for the play last week. Now that it is behind us, we revised our mahabhaarata knowledge so that we can get back into learning further. The quiz was fun. It was very impressive that everyone remembered all the little details well!
After that, all children put down their thoughts regarding their experiences in the past few weeks. Putting the play together was a learning and growing experience for all. Below are few of their thoughts.
Stuthi Kuroodi says -
- I learnt the importance of righteousness. For example, Yudishtira decided to rescue Duryodhana when he was captured even though he had sent them to exile because it was the right thing to do.
- I enjoyed practicing with everyone and being on stage. I also enjoyed getting to know my classmates more.
- I made more friends, learned more about the Mahabhaarata, and had fun.
- I learnt how paandavas lived and that kauravas were greedy. I learned that jealousy brings bad characteristics.
- I liked the whole skit, but my favorite part was the war between the gandarvaas and the kaurava-s. Also it was fun to prepare for the skit.
Sukruthi Thunga says -
- By doing the mahaabhaarata play, I learned about the significance of holi which is - good always wins over evil.
- My favorite part of this play was when chitrasena defeated duryodhana because duryodhana is really evil and jealous of the pandavaas.
Shwetha Rajagopalakrishana says -
- I learned that the sages ran away after Krishna ate that one grain of rice!
- I liked the costumes, the mustache and the bow and arrow.
- The play taught me that history repeats itself. For example, the time Bhima was thrown in the river relates to the essence of the story of prahlaada.
- I liked watching people dress up, especially the mustaches!
- I learned that Holika got burnt in the fire but prahlaada survived because the Lord always protected him.
- I liked the acting.
- I learned that good always wins over evil.
- I liked scene 3 because I was in it :).
- From the play, I learned why we have a huge fire during holi celebrations.
- I liked the dance.
- I learned many new stories in mahaabhaarata. I learnt about new characters like sage markandeya, satyabhaama, etc.
- I liked the first and third scene the best, dance next and second scene the last. This was a very fun experience and hop we do this again some other time. Thank you Rashmi aunty and Sitaram uncle.
- I learned from the Holi play that good always wins over evil.
- I liked the dance best in the holi play.
- I had a great experience learning about mahaabhaarata, holi and their similarities.
- I liked rehearsing with everyone and see the other scenes.
- I learned that the pandavas were kind and selfless people.
- I really liked how the dance was and the props and the fighting scene.
- From doing the play, I learned that to do something great, you need to work together.
- I liked wearing the costumes and performing the play.
- I learned that good always defeats bad.
- I liked the dance best.
- By doing the play, I learned that memorizing lines is easy but it is difficult because you need to know when to say your lines. I also learnt that the gandharvas were very good at fighting.
- I liked the costumes, makeup and the dressing room.
Wow! This sure was insightful! Looks like everyone had fun :).
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